Latest News

Keep up to date on Pandemonium, our very own webcomic!          -          The Re-Enactment Project has premiered! Look out for a way to watch To Fall and Be Free very soon!          -          We apologize for the inconvenience on December 21st this year. It was just a big misunderstanding and we apologize greatly.          -          Pan-Dem Inc. just served its 6,660,000th client this past November! Congratulations to the team!           -          Mitt Romney's contract with Pan-Dem Inc. has recently expired.  Republicans: Send us your applicants!          -          Caroline Percello, our in-house webcomic artist and resident demon host, has been evaluated and confirmed as a valid source of prophecy!          -          Welcome to the family! Pan-Dem Inc. welcomes the Democratic party to the long list of satisfied clients!          -          Disney executives finally get the go-ahead from the Pan-Dem management to purchase Lucasfilm! The Force is now with Pan-Dem!

Where Freedom is Paramount

A Name You Trust

For the 4,383rd year running, Pan-Dem has been voted as the best liberation bureau in the cosmos! You know Pan-Dem is a name you can believe in.

Humanity for Humanity

Pan-Dem is the singular force behind humanity's humanity. We invented (and patented) what makes you uniquely you. You're very welcome.

No Fees, All Freedom

Pan-Dem's services are available to every man and woman on Earth.  No subscriptions, no hidden fees, no choice, and, most importantly, no fuss. It just works.

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